Friday, April 12, 2013

the initiation of a healer

Set out on the world with a mission
A will to learn, to understand
Got down to the task, in its earnest
The belief of completing it remained
The day arrived, to walk through fire
But the ambers failed to scar
The soul, the mind, the body
They said was ready for the war
Defeated they came, ailing
Walked them through the cure
Victorious while parting away
Blessings, gratitude came in galore
The days went by,
The battles unending
Heralded on the horizon
Not a moment’s rest was given
The war never seemed ending
But brothers in arms were they now
No more the demanding master
As water flowed by
All seemed better
And now they said, completed
It was, the initiation of a healer

inspired by the post