If an individual, a sane one, is told that he/she told the he has to live only a day before he passes away, what can we expect the emotions building up to be? One thing is that the rush of adrenaline will be high. But yes, he/ she will rush through time.
What will you do? Maybe go on to fulfill your dreams, fantasies, earthly duties etc. Maybe, be with family, meet up long lost friends or even go on the path of forgiveness to reconcile. But what can we see in all of it? Is it not the urge to keep a smile or give away some to others.
Surely enough none of us will be provided such a chance to know it before-hand. Surely if I get the chance, I will rather add the questions of how and where. So living life like its your last day seems better, NICKELBACK in their song ‘today’s your last day’ says the same too, the undying spirit in the movie DASVIDAANIYA. Do we need more? Ok I agree that smiling always is not that good, but quoting my teacher “smiling is good for your health”, it seems a better option.
So coming back to the question, what will you do my dear reader who took all the pain to just be facing this question? Post some answers till I come up with something else. Goodbye.
Thats an interesting question to ponder upon...If I get to know that m going to die 2moro, I will definitely be sad at first..thinkin that I didnt get the opportunity to xplore myself and realise my vision...but will accept the fact eventually...Dreams, fantasies and earthly duties cant be completed in such a short time...So, I would prefer to do nothing at all...Of course will try to spend the last few hours wid my dear ones...but more dan that, I would like to just ruminate and reflect on the time I have spent on this world...and the things that life has taught me...will do the job m xpert in...share my thoughts,success,failures and vision wid my brother and try to pass him the torch of life!!..coz I believe..as Sir George Bernard Shaw quotes it.."LIFE IS NO BRIEF CANDLE FOR ME. IT IS A SORT OF SPLENDID TORCH WHICH I HAVE GOT HOLD FOR THE MOMENT , AND I WANT TO MAKE IT BURN AS BRIGHTLY AS POSSIBLE BEFORE HANDING IT ON FUTURE GENERATIONS!!!"...:)