Sunday, August 29, 2010

for each other

The day of doom

Was what they said had come

Destructions galore

Ruins everywhere;

I was searching for you

Ignoring all the hullabaloo

Couldn’t find you where you stayed

You weren’t there where we met

I tried calling you

But the roars were louder than my cry

The crowd was out on the streets

Running for cover helter skelter

Riot of colors and a fair of sights

Sights horrible they were,

Up above that tower I saw a sight

A sight that beckoned me

For it was you up there.

Come down dear, m waiting

To protect you from the troubles down here

Only a leap to take

Won’t you do that

Didn’t I trust you…

Now wont you trust me?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


LAN, LAN ago, in the SYSTEM of I /O-dhya,

there ruled a PROCESSOR

named DOS-rat. Once he EXECUTED a great

sacrifice PROGRAM after

which his queens gave an OUTPUT of four

SUNs-- RAM, LSIman,


and SED-rughana.


RAM the eldest was a MICROCHIP with excellent



however, were only PERIPHERAL ICs.


Once when RAM was only 16MB, he married

princess 'C'ta. 12 years

passed and DOS-rat decided to INSTAL RAM as

his successor.

However, Queen CIE/CAE (Kayegayee), who was

once offered a boon by

DOS-rat for a life saving HELP COMMAND ,took

this opportunity at

the instigation of her BIOSed maid (a real

plotter),and insisted

that her son Bug-rat be INSTALLED and that

RAM be BOOTED to the

forest for 14 years. At this cruel and

unexpected demand, a SURGE

passed thru DOS-rat and he collapsed,



RAM agreed to LOG INTO forest and 'C'ta

insisted to LOGIN with


LSI-man was also resolved on LOGGING IN with

his brother. The


was the dwelling of SPARC-nakha, the


PROCESSOR of LAN-ka. Attracted by RAM's

stature, she proposed that

he marry her. RAM, politely declined.

Perceiving 'C'ta to be the


CODE of her distress, she hastened to kill

her. Weeping,


fled to LAN-ka, where RAW-van, moved by


plight,approached his uncle MAR-icha.

MAR-icha REPROGRAMED himself

into the form of a golden stag and drew RAM

deep into the forest.

Finally, tired of chase, RAM shot the deer,

who,with his last

breath,cried out

desperately for LSI-man in RAM's voice.


Fooled by this VIRTUAL RAM SOUND,'C'ta urged

LSI-man to his

brother's aid. Catching the

opportunity,RAW-van DELINKED 'C'ta

from her LIBRARY and changed her ROOT









RAM and LSI-man started SEARCHING for the

missing 'C'ta all over

he forest. They made friendship with the

forest SYSTEM

ADMINISTRATOR SU-greev and his powerful

co-processor Ha-NEUMAN.

SU-greev agreed to help RAM.


SU-greev ordered his PROGRAMMERS to use

powerful 'SEARCH'

techniques to FIND the missing 'C'ta. His


around the INTER-NETworked forests.


Many tried to 'EXCITE' the birds and animals

not to forget the


CRAWLERS'( Insects) and tried to 'INFO SEEK'

something about


Some of them even shouted 'YAA-HOO' but they

all ended up with



techniques proved useless.

Ha-NEUMAN devised a RISKy TECHNOLOGY and used

it to cross the seas

at an astonishing CLOCK SPEED. Soon Ha-NEUMAN


into LAN-ka. After doing some local SEARCH,

Ha-NEUMAN found 'C'ta

weeping under a TREE STRUCTURE.


Ha-NEUMAN used a LOGIN ID (ring) to identify

himself to 'C'ta.


DECRYPTING THE KEY, 'C'ta believed in him and

asked him to send a

STATUS_OK MESSAGE to RAM. Meanwhile all the

raakshasa BUGS around

'C'ta captured Ha-NEUMAN and tried to DELETE

him using


But Ha-NEUMAN managed to spread chaos by

spreading the VIRUS

'Fire'. Ha-NEUMAN happily pressed ESCAPE from

LAN-ka and conveyed

all the STATUS MESSAGES to RAM and SU-greev.


RAW-wan decided to take the all powerful RAM

head-on and prepared

for the battle.One of the RAW-wan's SUN (son)


& LSI-man with a powerful brahma-astra. But

Ha-NEUMAN resorted to

some ACTIVE-X gradients and REBOOTED RAM and

LSI-man. RAM

used the SOURCE CODE secrets of RAW-wan and

once for all wiped out

RAW-wan's presense on earth.


After the battle, RAM got INSTALLED in

I/O-dhya and spreaded his



every one lived happily everafter.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Hindu's editorial on India's independence that was published on August 15, 1947.


BY the grace of Providence India enters the comity of free nations to-day, an equal among equals. It is an occasion for rejoicing not only for her people but for all who value human freedom as an end in itself. So long as this country with her hoary civilisation and many-sided culture, her wealth of resources and matchless opulence of spirit remained in political bondage, that very fact constituted an implicit denial of those values to which the dominant nations of the West were wont to pay lip service. That India has at long last achieved her independence by agreement with Great Britain is a fact for which the sagacity and statesmanship of Britain is entitled to the fullest credit. Other imperial Powers are bound to follow in her footsteps sooner or later; for the heart has gone out of Imperialism. The harrowing experience of two wars within a single generation is to a large extent responsible for this awakening among the ruling Powers. But the way in which the people of India have conducted their struggle for emancipation has not been without its influence in bringing about a change in the world outlook. The outstanding marvel of this century is the faith inspired in millions of people that truth may prevail, unbacked though it be by the big battalions,, that you may win over your adversary by putting him on his honour, relying on his good faith and appealing to his reason. By imbuing his countrymen with this faith and sustaining it through the long night-of darkness and despair Mahatma Gandhi has not only won for himself a secure place in our affections; he has placed all humanity in his debt. To him and to the countless men and women who sacrificed themselves cheerfully that others might live to breathe the ampler air of freedom, our hearts turn to-day in reverent homage.

We have achieved freedom; But at what cost! A country and a people that by every test are a unity have been arbitrarily divided. And the wound will take long to heal; for, as Mr. Nehru has sadly remarked, "division has taken place in the hearts of the people of India". But it is idle to brood over what has happened and foolish to get angry and cast about for scapegoats. Many think that there is bound to be a reunion when there has been time enough for people to reflect coolly on the disastrous consequences of this unnatural partition. That is as it may be. But those who are perpetually harping on it, whether from genuine distress or in a fractious spirit, will not be hastening that consummation. It can only act as an irritant. The temptation for the protagonists of a united India and of Pakistan to talk at each other from a distance should be set aside. And both sides should concentrate on the thousand and one practical tasks that will have to be tackled in a spirit of mutual accommodation if life is not to be unnecessarily hard for large masses of men. The responsible leaders have shown a praiseworthy desire to conciliate the minorities and to reassure them. But so long as Lahore, Calcutta, and other big cities remain in the grip of madmen drunk with blood and the civil power stands helpless in the face of organised murder and loot, it is idle to expect the minority communities to be satisfied with verbal assurances however ample. From today the responsibility for ending this disgraceful state of affairs is solely ours. Neither the Government of India nor that of Pakistan must overlook the fact that our new-won freedom is itself gravely menaced by this chronic lawlessness. Every effort should, of course, be made to rally the vast majority of peaceable citizens in support of law and order. But the long arm of the law should be not less ready to collar and swift to punish the malfactors however deeply they might be entrenched.

We have won freedom. And the first thing our people must learn is that it is no picnic. They will have to gird their loins and work as they have never worked before. Any number of paper plans will not usher in the millennium if we go on interminably arguing their relative merits. The consensus of instructed opinion in the country is that our urgent need is to increase production. Dr. John Matthai. in stressing the other day the fact that the redressing of the present gross inequality in distribution is no less essential, was no doubt applying a healthy corrective. But, while admitting this, we would point out that there is some risk in envisaging the pursuit of economic equality in terms of a struggle. Dr. Matthai argued that like all national movements for freedom ours too, has had to lean heavily on vested interests and the latter have taken the fullest advantage of this; and that a determined effort should now be made to shake off this strangle-hold and this could be done, and the energy released by the achievement of freedom could be best utilised by casting vested interests for the role of enemy as we cast British Imperialism for that role till the other day. Dr. Matthai was, we are sure, merely using picturesque language to emphasise his point. But there is a danger in simplifying these things, especially with a people who are still novices in the art of political democracy. We have to deal, not with lifeless things that stay put, but with a dynamic situation which changes under our very eyes. Those who led the fight for freedom yesterday may themselves come to be regarded as vested interests by their self-styled successors of to-day who claim to lead the struggle for economic equality. In act, the epidemic of strikes that has broken out in many key-industries and that is further impoverishing an economy that is already dangerously on the verge of collapse, is often sought to be justified on the ground that the bourgeois leaders are in league with the capitalists. If these ideological recriminations are given their head, we must bid farewell to all hopes of a united drive for maximising production and for opening up new and fruitful fields of economic activity.

Having pinned our faith to the method of peaceful persuasion in our struggle for emancipation it would ill become us to look upon the coercive exercise of the State power as the inevitable instrument for building up a strong and well-knit nation. Among us, as in other parts of the world, there are bound to be wide differences of opinion as to the objectives of State policy. All rational men aim at the good life as the goal of the State; but. though there is general agreement in regard to the material conditions which the term implies, there are considerable differences of opinion over the spiritual values which are no less essential to the good life, such imponderables, among others, as freedom of thought itself. Far from regarding it as necessary in the interests of the public welfare to steam-roller opinion at the behest of a dominant clique, our age-long tradition, to which totalitarian tyranny is profoundly repugnant, has always favoured the allowing of the maximum liberty to people to live their Own lives without denying others their due. If we are to be true to our own best impulses we should depend on education rather than legislation, on the catalytic action of creative thought and not on mass agitation and crude propaganda, to bring about those changes which may be necessary to eliminate poverty, wretchedness and strife and to enable every citizen of free India to attain to fullness of life and that inner freedom which the Vedic seers termed Swaaraajya

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Independence Day

The day was destined to be celebrated

For it heralded freedom

Smiles on the faces of a million people

When Nehru delivered those words in the Central Hall

At the stroke of the midnight hour

Indians rejoiced and shared sweets;

63 years after that

Still we look forward

To see the tricolour high

Letting our sorrows go away

And happiness come by;

The sorrows are still not to be forgotten

The heroes not to be lost

Prayers and gratitudes for their sacrifice

Free though we may be,

Works real hard our army

Salutes to them for keeping us safe

Much needs to be done

To be the Golden Sparrow again.

But a little pledge to do for the nation

And an action doing it

Will surely be remembered

Making for oneself the 15th of August

A real Independence Day…

Friday, August 13, 2010

Aircraft maintenance

After every flight, pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet, which conveys to the mechanics problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight that need repair or correction. The mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight.

Never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints and problems as submitted by Qantas pilots and the solution recorded by maintenance engineers.

By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never had an accident.

(P = The problem logged by the pilot.)
(S = The solution and action taken by the engineers.)

P: Left inside main tyre almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tyre.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit.
S: Something tightened in cockpit.

P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.

P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.

P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.

P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what they're there for.

P: IFF inoperative.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.

P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.

P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget.



From the internet…

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Parting away, a wound, a pain and lots of memories

It seems so sad to part away from people you are so attached to, however wise may you be for someone else saying that we meet to part, but the same usually does not apply to yourself in the same situation. That feeling of loneliness, a vacuum in the space of your world lingers along long after the incident happens. To make it all worse, if the person was a part of your daily life it seems that all the cogs to the gears of your life have been broken down and that life comes to a standstill. The wounds heal but the scars remain as the sweet image of all who have parted away from me till now and in the future, I dedicate to all of you, I MISS YOU. With a prayer that we meet again, never to part…

Friday, August 6, 2010


That day was bright

Not a trouble in sight

'Twas when you came along

With a thought from the heart of your own

That thought struck my heart

And blank went my mind…

Then foresight came to the rescue

I saw me destroyed

It was not what I wanted

Never I had wished for.

For helpless is the anger

Anger to pay for

For fury is what I brought out

To escape from that paradise

Today when I think of it

I ask was it or wasn't it wise?

Life doles out things

Which we may not then understand

Maybe to keep us smiling

All along till the end

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

“Love of a cloud”

Inherited a free body
To roam all around
I embark on a journey
Away from the horizon
The youngest i am
Freshest drops in me
And i see so much beauty
Around i and thee
But where have i come?
A land of changes,
Where the burning sand greets me
And dryness sets in freely
But who are you o' handsome
Those golden locks unruffled
Age scarring your face
Eyes deep with care
O my, you are the one
I can call my beloved...
But what do you do?
Pushing me away from you!
I want to be in your arms
Embrace you once and feel the warmth
Even if death comes along
Gratitudes my beloved!
For parting away your arms
And i will be in peace
No one can do any harm
But what do i see?
The older drops following through!
Celebrating the union
Of me and you.
The heat is going away
And its all wet now
For we have made a forest
Yes dear me and you.

Saying it away…

A day it was

But not so warm

Sleepy was my head

But was a jumpy heart

I was trying to be calm

For the day was to pass

The time would come

After the day departs

The heart understood

And my head freshened

Both promised to support me

Till the end

The sun was gone

And I arrived too

To see you after a long time

Just to say

" I love you"